To become a member, join one of our semester-long programs OR attend any five of our events per semester.

Get notified about our events.

Never miss an event by joining our mailing list and our Discord Server to get notified about upcoming events.

The Member Portal

If you are interested in participating in one of our programs or joining our team, see the apply page! Our applications are in our member portal.

Additionally, we use our member portal to track attendance at our events. At the end of each event, there will be a check-in link or QR code that you can scan to tell us that you were at the event. Head over to and make an account!

Member Perks

In addition to the wealth of information, networking opportunities, and fun you'll have by attending our events, you get some cool perks by becoming a member.

Our industry sponsors are always interested in recruiting the best from UTD. They know our active members are just that. We put our members' resumes direclty in the hands of recruiters from our sponsors.

We also reward members who attend the most events with cool stickers, exclusive merch, and even giftcards.