Multiple applications in one place. (New!)

We've streamlined our application process to participate in our programs or become an officer! All open applications can be found in our member portal at!

To get started, go to the ACM Portal at If you have checked in at an event starting fall 2021, you may already have an account. We recommend checking the "Settings" section in your profile to verify that the information is still correct.
If you don't already have an account, follow the instructions to create your profile.
Once you're signed in, navigate to the "Open Applications" section in the header and fill out the applications that interest you! Each application will auto-fill responses using your Member Portal account and send confirmation emails after you finish them.

If you require technical support, you may leave a question in the #support channel in the ACM Discord server or email [email protected].

ACM Culture

We get work done. We have fun.

At ACM, we work a bit differently than the average student organization. Autonomy is key at ACM, and we let officers make their positions theirs and take ownership of their work.

Doing your job is the minimum, and innovating in your position is expected. When as a team we can rely on each other, we can have fun building great events, programs, and initiatives.