Mentor Program Social #1
Shot Friday, March 22 at 7:17 PM UTC
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Director of Education
Director of Education
ACM Mentor program is 10/10
- Nirranjan Akilan
Need a helping hand? The ACM mentor program is here for you! Our mentee/mentor pairs are matched between those who share similar interests and aspirations. Our mentorship model fosters a supportive environment akin to a “big brother” relationship, where mentees can benefit from the guidance and wisdom of their more experienced counterparts.
Underclassmen are students who are in their Freshman or Sophomore year at UTD. Upperclassmen are students who are in their Junior or Senior year at UTD. There may be a few exceptions* (Please refer to: “What if I am a transfer student?“)
An academic year (fall to spring semester), although you both will have the choice to stay paired if all conditions still apply (For example: The mentor is not graduating, the mentee is still an underclassmen, you both wish to stay paired, etc)
Feel free to email us at [email protected]
We make our mentee/mentor pairs based on what experience and interests the mentor has, match a mentee with similar interests accordingly.
It is up to the transfer student if they wish to be considered as an ‘underclassmen’ or ‘upperclassmen’
Yes, absolutely. If for any reason it is not working out, please email us at [email protected]